How To Pay For Your Order
GroupDocs requires payment for all purchases up-front which means your license key(s) can only be made available after payment is received. If you have placed an order but find your organization will take time to make payment please talk to the sales team and we can supply you with a fully functional temporary license which can be used until the payment is received.
The only exception is the Metered license as instead of paying “upfront” as with a standard license, you will pay for your usage at the end of the month.
Payment Methods
Orders are placed online via our website or by email and all prices are in US dollars (USD).
GroupDocs accepts payment by these methods:
Note: GroupDocs cannot accept ACH or EFT as they are purely American payment methods and our bank account is located in Australia. GroupDocs does not accept checks
Pay By Installment
For orders over $5000 USD or other exceptional circumstances we understand that paying for the entire order by a single payment might be difficult so in these situations we can offer payment by installment on a case-by-case basis. If you require this please see a list of our Installment Plan Options and then contact our sales team to discuss this option.
To ensure you receive your license key(s) as soon as possible we no longer offer payment by any form of check/cheque. See our no check policy for further information about this change.

If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact our sales support who will be glad to assist.